============= Systeminformationen ============= php: Linux a2e22 4.9.0-0.bpo.11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.189-3+deb9u1~deb8u1 (2019-09-30) x86_64 dbserver: mysql dbversion: 5.7.28 dbcollation: utf8mb4_general_ci dbconnectioncollation: utf8mb4_general_ci phpversion: 7.3.13 server: Apache sapi_name: cgi-fcgi version: Joomla! 3.9.14 Stable [ Amani ] 17-December-2019 15:00 GMT platform: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36 ============= PHP-Einstellungen ============= safe_mode: false display_errors: false short_open_tag: false file_uploads: true magic_quotes_gpc: false register_globals: false output_buffering: true open_basedir: xxxxxx session.save_path: xxxxxx session.auto_start: 0 disable_functions: pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority, xml: true zlib: true zip: true mbstring: true iconv: true max_input_vars: 1000 ============= Konfigurationsdatei ============= offline: 0 offline_message: This site is down for maintenance.
Please check back again soon. display_offline_message: 1 offline_image: sitename: xxxxxx editor: jce captcha: 0 list_limit: 50 access: 1 debug: 0 debug_lang: 0 debug_lang_const: 1 dbtype: mysqli host: xxxxxx user: xxxxxx password: xxxxxx db: xxxxxx dbprefix: xxxxxx live_site: secret: xxxxxx gzip: 0 error_reporting: default ftp_host: ftp_port: ftp_user: xxxxxx ftp_pass: xxxxxx ftp_root: ftp_enable: 0 offset: UTC mailonline: 1 mailer: mail mailfrom: xxxxxx fromname: xxxxxx sendmail: xxxxxx smtpauth: 0 smtpuser: xxxxxx smtppass: xxxxxx smtphost: xxxxxx smtpsecure: none smtpport: 25 caching: 1 cache_handler: file cachetime: 15 cache_platformprefix: 0 MetaDesc: DIe Ortschaft Odagsen liegt in der Nähe von Einbeck in Südniedersachsen. Auf den Internetseiten erfährt man alles über Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Ortes sowie Aktuelle und Nützliche Informationen für die Einwohner MetaKeys: Odagsen, Aktuelles, Chronik, Vereine, Dorfgemeinschaft, Nützliches, Infos, MetaTitle: 1 MetaAuthor: 1 MetaVersion: 0 robots: sef: 1 sef_rewrite: 0 sef_suffix: 0 unicodeslugs: 0 feed_limit: 10 feed_email: none log_path: xxxxxx tmp_path: xxxxxx lifetime: 15 session_handler: database shared_session: 0 memcache_persist: 1 memcache_compress: 0 memcache_server_host: xxxxxx memcache_server_port: 11211 memcached_persist: 1 memcached_compress: 0 memcached_server_host: xxxxxx memcached_server_port: 11211 redis_persist: 1 redis_server_host: xxxxxx redis_server_port: 6379 redis_server_auth: redis_server_db: 0 proxy_enable: 0 proxy_host: proxy_port: proxy_user: proxy_pass: massmailoff: 0 replyto: replytoname: MetaRights: sitename_pagetitles: 1 force_ssl: 0 session_memcache_server_host: xxxxxx session_memcache_server_port: 11211 session_memcached_server_host: xxxxxx session_memcached_server_port: 11211 session_redis_persist: 1 session_redis_server_host: xxxxxx session_redis_server_port: 6379 session_redis_server_auth: session_redis_server_db: 0 frontediting: 2 cookie_domain: cookie_path: asset_id: 1 ============= Verzeichnisrechte ============= administrator/components: writable administrator/language: writable administrator/language/de-DE: writable administrator/language/overrides: writable administrator/language/en-GB: writable administrator/manifests/packages: writable administrator/manifests/files: writable administrator/manifests/libraries: writable administrator/modules: writable administrator/templates: writable components: writable images: writable images/phocafavicon: writable images/Chronik: writable images/Feuerwehr: writable images/Button: writable images/Archiv: writable images/nuetzliches_infos: writable images/tsv_odagsen: writable images/Links: writable images/MGV: writable images/Aktuelles: writable images/Dorfflohmarkt: writable images/sampledata: writable images/Wappen: writable images/headers: writable images/banners: writable images/Bildergalerien: writable language: writable language/de-DE: writable language/overrides: writable language/en-GB: writable libraries: writable media: writable modules: writable plugins: writable plugins/acymailing: writable plugins/search: writable plugins/fields: writable plugins/twofactorauth: writable plugins/user: writable plugins/editors: writable plugins/editors-xtd: writable plugins/content: writable plugins/captcha: writable plugins/installer: writable plugins/system: writable plugins/privacy: writable plugins/sampledata: writable plugins/authentication: writable plugins/finder: writable plugins/actionlog: writable plugins/quickicon: writable plugins/extension: writable templates: writable configuration.php: NOT writable cache: writable administrator/cache: writable log: writable tmp: writable ============= PHP-Informationen ============= ============= bcmath ============= BCMath support: enabled ============= bcmath.scale ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= bz2 ============= BZip2 Support: Enabled Stream Wrapper support: compress.bzip2:// Stream Filter support: bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress BZip2 Version: 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010 ============= calendar ============= Calendar support: enabled ============= cgi-fcgi ============= ============= cgi.check_shebang_line ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.discard_path ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= cgi.fix_pathinfo ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.force_redirect ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.nph ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= cgi.redirect_status_env ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= cgi.rfc2616_headers ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= fastcgi.logging ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= Core ============= PHP Version: 7.3.13 ============= allow_url_fopen ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= allow_url_include ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= arg_separator.input ============= Local Value: & Master Value: & ============= arg_separator.output ============= Local Value: & Master Value: & ============= auto_append_file ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= auto_globals_jit ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= auto_prepend_file ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= browscap ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= default_charset ============= Local Value: UTF-8 Master Value: UTF-8 ============= default_mimetype ============= Local Value: text/html Master Value: text/html ============= disable_classes ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= disable_functions ============= Local Value: pcntl_alarm, pcntl_fork, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wait, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wtermsig, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_exec, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, Master Value: pcntl_alarm, pcntl_fork, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wait, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wtermsig, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_exec, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, ============= display_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= display_startup_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= doc_root ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= docref_ext ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= docref_root ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= enable_dl ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= enable_post_data_reading ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= error_append_string ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= error_log ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= error_prepend_string ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= error_reporting ============= Local Value: 22519 Master Value: 22519 ============= expose_php ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= extension_dir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= file_uploads ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= hard_timeout ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= highlight.comment ============= Local Value: #FF8000 Master Value: #FF8000 ============= highlight.default ============= Local Value: #0000BB Master Value: #0000BB ============= highlight.html ============= Local Value: #000000 Master Value: #000000 ============= highlight.keyword ============= Local Value: #007700 Master Value: #007700 ============= highlight.string ============= Local Value: #DD0000 Master Value: #DD0000 ============= html_errors ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= ignore_repeated_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ignore_repeated_source ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ignore_user_abort ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= implicit_flush ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= include_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= input_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= log_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= log_errors_max_len ============= Local Value: 1024 Master Value: 1024 ============= mail.add_x_header ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= mail.force_extra_parameters ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mail.log ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= max_execution_time ============= Local Value: 180 Master Value: 180 ============= max_file_uploads ============= Local Value: 20 Master Value: 20 ============= max_input_nesting_level ============= Local Value: 64 Master Value: 64 ============= max_input_time ============= Local Value: 60 Master Value: 60 ============= max_input_vars ============= Local Value: 1000 Master Value: 1000 ============= memory_limit ============= Local Value: 512M Master Value: 512M ============= open_basedir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= output_buffering ============= Local Value: 4096 Master Value: 4096 ============= output_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= output_handler ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= post_max_size ============= Local Value: 128M Master Value: 128M ============= precision ============= Local Value: 14 Master Value: 14 ============= realpath_cache_size ============= Local Value: 4096K Master Value: 4096K ============= realpath_cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 120 Master Value: 120 ============= register_argc_argv ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= report_memleaks ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= report_zend_debug ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= request_order ============= Local Value: GP Master Value: GP ============= sendmail_from ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= sendmail_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= serialize_precision ============= Local Value: 17 Master Value: 17 ============= short_open_tag ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= SMTP ============= Local Value: localhost Master Value: localhost ============= smtp_port ============= Local Value: 25 Master Value: 25 ============= sys_temp_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= syslog.facility ============= Local Value: LOG_USER Master Value: LOG_USER ============= syslog.filter ============= Local Value: no-ctrl Master Value: no-ctrl ============= syslog.ident ============= Local Value: php Master Value: php ============= track_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= unserialize_callback_func ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= upload_max_filesize ============= Local Value: 128M Master Value: 128M ============= upload_tmp_dir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= user_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= user_ini.cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 300 Master Value: 300 ============= user_ini.filename ============= Local Value: .user.ini Master Value: .user.ini ============= variables_order ============= Local Value: GPCS Master Value: GPCS ============= xmlrpc_error_number ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= xmlrpc_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zend.assertions ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= zend.detect_unicode ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zend.enable_gc ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zend.multibyte ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zend.script_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= zend.signal_check ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ctype ============= ctype functions: enabled ============= curl ============= cURL support: enabled cURL Information: 7.38.0 Age: 3 AsynchDNS: Yes CharConv: No Debug: No GSS-Negotiate: No IDN: Yes IPv6: Yes krb4: No Largefile: Yes libz: Yes NTLM: Yes NTLMWB: Yes SPNEGO: Yes SSL: Yes SSPI: No TLS-SRP: Yes HTTP2: No GSSAPI: Yes Protocols: dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtsp, scp, sftp, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp Host: xxxxxx SSL Version: GnuTLS/3.3.30 ZLib Version: 1.2.8 libSSH Version: libssh2/1.4.3 ============= curl.cainfo ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= date ============= date/time support: enabled timelib version: 2018.03 "Olson" Timezone Database Version: 2019.3 Timezone Database: internal Default timezone: UTC ============= date.default_latitude ============= Local Value: 31.7667 Master Value: 31.7667 ============= date.default_longitude ============= Local Value: 35.2333 Master Value: 35.2333 ============= date.sunrise_zenith ============= Local Value: 90.583333 Master Value: 90.583333 ============= date.sunset_zenith ============= Local Value: 90.583333 Master Value: 90.583333 ============= date.timezone ============= Local Value: Europe/Berlin Master Value: Europe/Berlin ============= dba ============= DBA support: enabled Supported handlers: cdb cdb_make db4 inifile flatfile ============= dba.default_handler ============= Local Value: flatfile Master Value: flatfile ============= dom ============= DOM/XML: enabled DOM/XML API Version: 20031129 libxml Version: 2.9.1 HTML Support: enabled XPath Support: enabled XPointer Support: enabled Schema Support: enabled RelaxNG Support: enabled ============= exif ============= EXIF Support: enabled Supported EXIF Version: 0220 Supported filetypes: JPEG, TIFF Multibyte decoding support using mbstring: enabled Extended EXIF tag formats: Canon, Casio, Fujifilm, Nikon, Olympus, Samsung, Panasonic, DJI, Sony, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma, Foveon, Kyocera, Ricoh, AGFA, Epson ============= exif.decode_jis_intel ============= Local Value: JIS Master Value: JIS ============= exif.decode_jis_motorola ============= Local Value: JIS Master Value: JIS ============= exif.decode_unicode_intel ============= Local Value: UCS-2LE Master Value: UCS-2LE ============= exif.decode_unicode_motorola ============= Local Value: UCS-2BE Master Value: UCS-2BE ============= exif.encode_jis ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= exif.encode_unicode ============= Local Value: ISO-8859-15 Master Value: ISO-8859-15 ============= fileinfo ============= fileinfo support: enabled libmagic: 533 ============= filter ============= Input Validation and Filtering: enabled ============= filter.default ============= Local Value: unsafe_raw Master Value: unsafe_raw ============= filter.default_flags ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= ftp ============= FTP support: enabled FTPS support: enabled ============= gd ============= GD Support: enabled GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) FreeType Support: enabled FreeType Linkage: with freetype FreeType Version: 2.5.2 GIF Read Support: enabled GIF Create Support: enabled JPEG Support: enabled libJPEG Version: 6b PNG Support: enabled libPNG Version: 1.2.50 WBMP Support: enabled XPM Support: enabled libXpm Version: 30411 XBM Support: enabled WebP Support: enabled ============= gd.jpeg_ignore_warning ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= gettext ============= GetText Support: enabled ============= gmp ============= gmp support: enabled GMP version: 6.0.0 ============= hash ============= hash support: enabled Hashing Engines: md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512/224 sha512/256 sha512 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128, 3 tiger160, 3 tiger192, 3 tiger128, 4 tiger160, 4 tiger192, 4 snefru snefru256 gost gost-crypto adler32 crc32 crc32b fnv132 fnv1a32 fnv164 fnv1a64 joaat haval128, 3 haval160, 3 haval192, 3 haval224, 3 haval256, 3 haval128, 4 haval160, 4 haval192, 4 haval224, 4 haval256, 4 haval128, 5 haval160, 5 haval192, 5 haval224, 5 haval256, 5 MHASH support: Enabled MHASH API Version: Emulated Support ============= iconv ============= iconv support: enabled iconv implementation: glibc iconv library version: 2.19 ============= iconv.input_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= iconv.internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= iconv.output_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= imagick ============= imagick module: enabled imagick module version: 3.4.4 imagick classes: Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator, ImagickKernel Imagick compiled with ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2019-10-21 http://www.imagemagick.org Imagick using ImageMagick library version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2019-10-21 http://www.imagemagick.org ImageMagick copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC ImageMagick release date: 2019-10-21 ImageMagick number of supported formats:: 215 ImageMagick supported formats: 3FR, AAI, AI, ART, ARW, AVI, AVS, BGR, BGRA, BIE, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CAL, CALS, CANVAS, CAPTION, CIN, CIP, CLIP, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DFONT, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, DXT1, DXT5, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EPT2, EPT3, ERF, EXR, FAX, FITS, FRACTAL, FTS, G3, GIF, GIF87, GRADIENT, GRAY, GROUP4, GV, HALD, HDR, HISTOGRAM, HRZ, HTM, HTML, ICB, ICO, ICON, INFO, INLINE, IPL, ISOBRL, JBG, JBIG, JNG, JNX, JPEG, JPG, JSON, K25, KDC, LABEL, M2V, M4V, MAC, MAP, MASK, MAT, MATTE, MEF, MIFF, MNG, MONO, MOV, MP4, MPC, MPEG, MPG, MRW, MSL, MSVG, MTV, MVG, NEF, NRW, NULL, ORF, OTB, OTF, PAL, PALM, PAM, PANGO, PATTERN, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCT, PCX, PDB, PDF, PDFA, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PJPEG, PLASMA, PNG, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNG8, PNM, PPM, PREVIEW, PS, PS2, PS3, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWP, RADIAL-GRADIENT, RAF, RAS, RAW, RGB, RGBA, RGBO, RGF, RLA, RLE, RMF, RW2, SCR, SCT, SFW, SGI, SHTML, SIX, SIXEL, SPARSE-COLOR, SR2, SRF, STEGANO, SUN, SVG, SVGZ, TEXT, TGA, THUMBNAIL, TIFF, TIFF64, TILE, TIM, TTC, TTF, TXT, UBRL, UIL, UYVY, VDA, VICAR, VID, VIFF, VIPS, VST, WBMP, WMF, WMV, WMZ, WPG, X, X3F, XBM, XC, XCF, XPM, XPS, XV, XWD, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV ============= imagick.locale_fix ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imagick.progress_monitor ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imagick.skip_version_check ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imap ============= IMAP c-Client Version: 2007f SSL Support: enabled Kerberos Support: enabled ============= imap.enable_insecure_rsh ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= intl ============= Internationalization support: enabled ICU version: 52.1 ICU Data version: 52.1 ICU TZData version: 2013g ICU Unicode version: 6.3 ============= intl.default_locale ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= intl.error_level ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= intl.use_exceptions ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= ionCube Loader ============= Loader version: 10.3.5 ionCube24 features: unconfigured ============= ic24.api.log_msg_errors ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= ic24.api.max_timeout ============= Local Value: 7 Master Value: 7 ============= ic24.api_access_key ============= Local Value: ******** Master Value: ******** ============= ic24.api_check_ip ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.enable ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= ic24.home_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= ic24.phperr.enable ============= Local Value: auto Master Value: auto ============= ic24.phperr.ignore ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= ic24.sec.block_stdin ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.sec.block_uploaded_files ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.sec.enable ============= Local Value: auto Master Value: auto ============= ic24.sec.exclusion_key ============= Local Value: ******** Master Value: ******** ============= ic24.sec.initial_action ============= Local Value: block Master Value: block ============= ic24.sec.initial_cache_all ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.sec.initial_notify ============= Local Value: always Master Value: always ============= ic24.sec.initial_state ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.sec.stop_on_error ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= ic24.sec.trusted_include_paths ============= Local Value: ******** Master Value: ******** ============= ic24.slt ============= Local Value: 7 Master Value: 7 ============= ic24.update_domains_retry_interval ============= Local Value: 30 Master Value: 30 ============= ioncube.loader.encoded_paths ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= json ============= json support: enabled json version: 1.7.0 ============= ldap ============= LDAP Support: enabled Total Links: 0/unlimited API Version: 3001 Vendor Name: OpenLDAP Vendor Version: 20440 SASL Support: Enabled ============= ldap.max_links ============= Local Value: Unlimited Master Value: Unlimited ============= libxml ============= libXML support: active libXML Compiled Version: 2.9.1 libXML Loaded Version: 20901 libXML streams: enabled ============= mbstring ============= Multibyte Support: enabled Multibyte string engine: libmbfl HTTP input encoding translation: disabled libmbfl version: 1.3.2 oniguruma version: 5.9.5 Multibyte (japanese) regex support: enabled Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version: 5.9.5 ============= mbstring.detect_order ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.encoding_translation ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mbstring.func_overload ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= mbstring.http_input ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.http_output ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes ============= Local Value: ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) Master Value: ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) ============= mbstring.internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.language ============= Local Value: neutral Master Value: neutral ============= mbstring.regex_stack_limit ============= Local Value: 100000 Master Value: 100000 ============= mbstring.strict_detection ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mbstring.substitute_character ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli ============= MysqlI Support: enabled Client API library version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $ Active Persistent Links: 0 Inactive Persistent Links: 0 Active Links: 1 ============= mysqli.allow_local_infile ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqli.allow_persistent ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= mysqli.default_host ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.default_port ============= Local Value: 3306 Master Value: 3306 ============= mysqli.default_pw ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.default_socket ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= mysqli.default_user ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.max_links ============= Local Value: Unlimited Master Value: Unlimited ============= mysqli.max_persistent ============= Local Value: Unlimited Master Value: Unlimited ============= mysqli.reconnect ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqli.rollback_on_cached_plink ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqlnd ============= mysqlnd: enabled Version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $ Compression: supported core SSL: supported extended SSL: supported Command buffer size: 4096 Read buffer size: 32768 Read timeout: 86400 Collecting statistics: Yes Collecting memory statistics: No Tracing: n/a Loaded plugins: mysqlnd, debug_trace, auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, auth_plugin_mysql_clear_password, auth_plugin_sha256_password API Extensions: mysqli, pdo_mysql mysqlnd statistics: bytes_sent: 238761 bytes_received: 1452733 packets_sent: 2024 packets_received: 16487 protocol_overhead_in: 65948 protocol_overhead_out: 8096 bytes_received_ok_packet: 0 bytes_received_eof_packet: 0 bytes_received_rset_header_packet: 6138 bytes_received_rset_field_meta_packet: 0 bytes_received_rset_row_packet: 8131 bytes_received_prepare_response_packet: 401989 bytes_received_change_user_packet: 1024478 packets_sent_command: 978 packets_received_ok: 0 packets_received_eof: 0 packets_received_rset_header: 682 packets_received_rset_field_meta: 0 packets_received_rset_row: 878 packets_received_prepare_response: 5538 packets_received_change_user: 9254 result_set_queries: 682 non_result_set_queries: 196 no_index_used: 283 bad_index_used: 7 slow_queries: 0 buffered_sets: 682 unbuffered_sets: 0 ps_buffered_sets: 0 ps_unbuffered_sets: 0 flushed_normal_sets: 0 flushed_ps_sets: 0 ps_prepared_never_executed: 0 ps_prepared_once_executed: 0 rows_fetched_from_server_normal: 8572 rows_fetched_from_server_ps: 0 rows_buffered_from_client_normal: 8572 rows_buffered_from_client_ps: 0 rows_fetched_from_client_normal_buffered: 8572 rows_fetched_from_client_normal_unbuffered: 0 rows_fetched_from_client_ps_buffered: 0 rows_fetched_from_client_ps_unbuffered: 0 rows_fetched_from_client_ps_cursor: 0 rows_affected_normal: 146 rows_affected_ps: 0 rows_skipped_normal: 8572 rows_skipped_ps: 0 copy_on_write_saved: 0 copy_on_write_performed: 0 command_buffer_too_small: 0 connect_success: 34 connect_failure: 0 connection_reused: 0 reconnect: 0 pconnect_success: 0 active_connections: 18446744073709551584 active_persistent_connections: 0 explicit_close: 33 implicit_close: 0 disconnect_close: 0 in_middle_of_command_close: 0 explicit_free_result: 682 implicit_free_result: 0 explicit_stmt_close: 0 implicit_stmt_close: 0 mem_emalloc_count: 0 mem_emalloc_amount: 0 mem_ecalloc_count: 0 mem_ecalloc_amount: 0 mem_erealloc_count: 0 mem_erealloc_amount: 0 mem_efree_count: 0 mem_efree_amount: 0 mem_malloc_count: 0 mem_malloc_amount: 0 mem_calloc_count: 0 mem_calloc_amount: 0 mem_realloc_count: 0 mem_realloc_amount: 0 mem_free_count: 0 mem_free_amount: 0 mem_estrndup_count: 0 mem_strndup_count: 0 mem_estrdup_count: 0 mem_strdup_count: 0 mem_edupl_count: 0 mem_dupl_count: 0 proto_text_fetched_null: 0 proto_text_fetched_bit: 0 proto_text_fetched_tinyint: 1970 proto_text_fetched_short: 0 proto_text_fetched_int24: 0 proto_text_fetched_int: 14769 proto_text_fetched_bigint: 259 proto_text_fetched_decimal: 0 proto_text_fetched_float: 0 proto_text_fetched_double: 0 proto_text_fetched_date: 0 proto_text_fetched_year: 0 proto_text_fetched_time: 0 proto_text_fetched_datetime: 1810 proto_text_fetched_timestamp: 0 proto_text_fetched_string: 22685 proto_text_fetched_blob: 0 proto_text_fetched_enum: 6960 proto_text_fetched_set: 0 proto_text_fetched_geometry: 0 proto_text_fetched_other: 0 proto_binary_fetched_null: 0 proto_binary_fetched_bit: 0 proto_binary_fetched_tinyint: 0 proto_binary_fetched_short: 0 proto_binary_fetched_int24: 0 proto_binary_fetched_int: 0 proto_binary_fetched_bigint: 0 proto_binary_fetched_decimal: 0 proto_binary_fetched_float: 0 proto_binary_fetched_double: 0 proto_binary_fetched_date: 0 proto_binary_fetched_year: 0 proto_binary_fetched_time: 0 proto_binary_fetched_datetime: 0 proto_binary_fetched_timestamp: 0 proto_binary_fetched_string: 0 proto_binary_fetched_json: 0 proto_binary_fetched_blob: 0 proto_binary_fetched_enum: 0 proto_binary_fetched_set: 0 proto_binary_fetched_geometry: 0 proto_binary_fetched_other: 0 init_command_executed_count: 0 init_command_failed_count: 0 com_quit: 33 com_init_db: 34 com_query: 878 com_field_list: 0 com_create_db: 0 com_drop_db: 0 com_refresh: 0 com_shutdown: 0 com_statistics: 33 com_process_info: 0 com_connect: 0 com_process_kill: 0 com_debug: 0 com_ping: 0 com_time: 0 com_delayed_insert: 0 com_change_user: 0 com_binlog_dump: 0 com_table_dump: 0 com_connect_out: 0 com_register_slave: 0 com_stmt_prepare: 0 com_stmt_execute: 0 com_stmt_send_long_data: 0 com_stmt_close: 0 com_stmt_reset: 0 com_stmt_set_option: 0 com_stmt_fetch: 0 com_deamon: 0 bytes_received_real_data_normal: 937377 bytes_received_real_data_ps: 0 ============= openssl ============= OpenSSL support: enabled OpenSSL Library Version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016 OpenSSL Header Version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016 Openssl default config: /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf ============= openssl.cafile ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= openssl.capath ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= pcntl ============= pcntl support: enabled ============= pcre ============= PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support: enabled PCRE Library Version: 10.32 2018-09-10 PCRE Unicode Version: 11.0.0 PCRE JIT Support: enabled PCRE JIT Target: x86 64bit (little endian + unaligned) ============= pcre.backtrack_limit ============= Local Value: 1000000 Master Value: 1000000 ============= pcre.jit ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= pcre.recursion_limit ============= Local Value: 100000 Master Value: 100000 ============= PDO ============= PDO support: enabled PDO drivers: mysql, sqlite ============= pdo_mysql ============= PDO Driver for MySQL: enabled Client API version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $ ============= pdo_mysql.default_socket ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= pdo_sqlite ============= PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x: enabled SQLite Library: ============= Phar ============= Phar: PHP Archive support: enabled Phar API version: 1.1.1 Phar-based phar archives: enabled Tar-based phar archives: enabled ZIP-based phar archives: enabled gzip compression: enabled bzip2 compression: enabled Native OpenSSL support: enabled ============= phar.cache_list ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= phar.readonly ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= phar.require_hash ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= posix ============= POSIX support: enabled ============= Reflection ============= Reflection: enabled ============= session ============= Session Support: enabled Registered save handlers: files user Registered serializer handlers: php_serialize php php_binary wddx ============= session.auto_start ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= session.cache_expire ============= Local Value: 180 Master Value: 180 ============= session.cache_limiter ============= Local Value: none Master Value: nocache ============= session.cookie_domain ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.cookie_httponly ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: no value ============= session.cookie_lifetime ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.cookie_path ============= Local Value: / Master Value: / ============= session.cookie_samesite ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.cookie_secure ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.gc_divisor ============= Local Value: 1000 Master Value: 1000 ============= session.gc_maxlifetime ============= Local Value: 900 Master Value: 1440 ============= session.gc_probability ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.lazy_write ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.name ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= session.referer_check ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.save_handler ============= Local Value: user Master Value: files ============= session.save_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= session.serialize_handler ============= Local Value: php Master Value: php ============= session.sid_bits_per_character ============= Local Value: 4 Master Value: 4 ============= session.sid_length ============= Local Value: 32 Master Value: 32 ============= session.upload_progress.cleanup ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.upload_progress.enabled ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.upload_progress.freq ============= Local Value: 1% Master Value: 1% ============= session.upload_progress.min_freq ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.upload_progress.name ============= Local Value: PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS Master Value: PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS ============= session.upload_progress.prefix ============= Local Value: upload_progress_ Master Value: upload_progress_ ============= session.use_cookies ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.use_only_cookies ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.use_strict_mode ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.use_trans_sid ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= shmop ============= shmop support: enabled ============= SimpleXML ============= SimpleXML support: enabled Schema support: enabled ============= soap ============= Soap Client: enabled Soap Server: enabled ============= soap.wsdl_cache ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_dir ============= Local Value: /tmp Master Value: /tmp ============= soap.wsdl_cache_enabled ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_limit ============= Local Value: 5 Master Value: 5 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 86400 Master Value: 86400 ============= sockets ============= Sockets Support: enabled ============= sodium ============= sodium support: enabled libsodium headers version: 1.0.17 libsodium library version: 1.0.17 ============= SPL ============= SPL support: enabled Interfaces: OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject Classes: AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, CallbackFilterIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException ============= sqlite3 ============= SQLite3 support: enabled SQLite Library: ============= sqlite3.extension_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= standard ============= Dynamic Library Support: enabled Path to sendmail: xxxxxx ============= assert.active ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= assert.bail ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.callback ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= assert.exception ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.quiet_eval ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.warning ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= auto_detect_line_endings ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= default_socket_timeout ============= Local Value: 60 Master Value: 60 ============= from ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.trans_sid_hosts ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.trans_sid_tags ============= Local Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, form= Master Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, form= ============= url_rewriter.hosts ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= url_rewriter.tags ============= Local Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, input=src, form=fakeentry Master Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, input=src, form=fakeentry ============= user_agent ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= sysvmsg ============= sysvmsg support: enabled ============= sysvsem ============= sysvsem support: enabled ============= sysvshm ============= sysvshm support: enabled ============= tokenizer ============= Tokenizer Support: enabled ============= wddx ============= WDDX Support: enabled WDDX Session Serializer: enabled ============= xml ============= XML Support: active XML Namespace Support: active libxml2 Version: 2.9.1 ============= xmlreader ============= XMLReader: enabled ============= xmlwriter ============= XMLWriter: enabled ============= xsl ============= XSL: enabled libxslt Version: 1.1.28 libxslt compiled against libxml Version: 2.9.1 EXSLT: enabled libexslt Version: 1.1.28 ============= Zend OPcache ============= Opcode Caching: Up and Running Optimization: Enabled SHM Cache: Enabled File Cache: Disabled Startup: OK Shared memory model: mmap Cache hits: 8386 Cache misses: 599 Used memory: 22970232 Free memory: 111247496 Wasted memory: 0 Interned Strings Used memory: 2053784 Interned Strings Free memory: 4237248 Cached scripts: 599 Cached keys: 599 Max keys: 16229 OOM restarts: 0 Hash keys restarts: 0 Manual restarts: 0 ============= opcache.blacklist_filename ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.consistency_checks ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.dups_fix ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.enable ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.enable_cli ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.enable_file_override ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.error_log ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.file_cache ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.file_cache_only ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.file_update_protection ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= opcache.force_restart_timeout ============= Local Value: 180 Master Value: 180 ============= opcache.huge_code_pages ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.interned_strings_buffer ============= Local Value: 8 Master Value: 8 ============= opcache.lockfile_path ============= Local Value: /tmp Master Value: /tmp ============= opcache.log_verbosity_level ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.max_accelerated_files ============= Local Value: 10000 Master Value: 10000 ============= opcache.max_file_size ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.max_wasted_percentage ============= Local Value: 5 Master Value: 5 ============= opcache.memory_consumption ============= Local Value: 128 Master Value: 128 ============= opcache.opt_debug_level ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.optimization_level ============= Local Value: 0x7FFEBFFF Master Value: 0x7FFEBFFF ============= opcache.preferred_memory_model ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.protect_memory ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.restrict_api ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.revalidate_freq ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= opcache.revalidate_path ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.save_comments ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.use_cwd ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.validate_permission ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.validate_root ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.validate_timestamps ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zip ============= Zip: enabled Zip version: 1.15.4 Libzip version: 0.11.2 ============= zlib ============= ZLib Support: enabled Stream Wrapper: compress.zlib:// Stream Filter: zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate Compiled Version: 1.2.8 Linked Version: 1.2.8 ============= zlib.output_compression ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zlib.output_compression_level ============= Local Value: -1 Master Value: -1 ============= zlib.output_handler ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= Erweiterungen ============= ============= com_mailto ============= name: com_mailto type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_wrapper ============= name: com_wrapper type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_admin ============= name: com_admin type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_banners ============= name: com_banners type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_cache ============= name: com_cache type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_categories ============= name: com_categories type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_checkin ============= name: com_checkin type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_contact ============= name: com_contact type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_cpanel ============= name: com_cpanel type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_installer ============= name: com_installer type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_languages ============= name: com_languages type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_login ============= name: com_login type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_media ============= name: com_media type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_menus ============= name: com_menus type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_messages ============= name: com_messages type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_modules ============= name: com_modules type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_newsfeeds ============= name: com_newsfeeds type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_plugins ============= name: com_plugins type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_search ============= name: com_search type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_templates ============= name: com_templates type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_content ============= name: com_content type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_config ============= name: com_config type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_redirect ============= name: com_redirect type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_users ============= name: com_users type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_finder ============= name: com_finder type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_joomlaupdate ============= name: com_joomlaupdate type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.2 creationDate: February 2012 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_tags ============= name: com_tags type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: December 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_contenthistory ============= name: com_contenthistory type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_ajax ============= name: com_ajax type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: August 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_postinstall ============= name: com_postinstall type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: September 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_fields ============= name: com_fields type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_associations ============= name: com_associations type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: January 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_privacy ============= name: com_privacy type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_actionlogs ============= name: com_actionlogs type: component state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= LIB_PHPUTF8 ============= name: LIB_PHPUTF8 type: library state: Aktiviert author: Harry Fuecks version: 0.5 creationDate: 2006 authorUrl: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phputf8 ============= LIB_JOOMLA ============= name: LIB_JOOMLA type: library state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 13.1 creationDate: 2008 authorUrl: https://www.joomla.org ============= LIB_IDNA ============= name: LIB_IDNA type: library state: Aktiviert author: phlyLabs version: 0.8.0 creationDate: 2004 authorUrl: http://phlylabs.de ============= FOF ============= name: FOF type: library state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: 2.4.3 creationDate: 2015-04-22 13:15:32 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= LIB_PHPASS ============= name: LIB_PHPASS type: library state: Aktiviert author: Solar Designer version: 0.3 creationDate: 2004-2006 authorUrl: http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ ============= mod_articles_archive ============= name: mod_articles_archive type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_latest ============= name: mod_articles_latest type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_popular ============= name: mod_articles_popular type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_banners ============= name: mod_banners type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_breadcrumbs ============= name: mod_breadcrumbs type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_custom ============= name: mod_custom type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_feed ============= name: mod_feed type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_footer ============= name: mod_footer type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_login ============= name: mod_login type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_menu ============= name: mod_menu type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_news ============= name: mod_articles_news type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_random_image ============= name: mod_random_image type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_related_items ============= name: mod_related_items type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_search ============= name: mod_search type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_stats ============= name: mod_stats type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_syndicate ============= name: mod_syndicate type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_users_latest ============= name: mod_users_latest type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_whosonline ============= name: mod_whosonline type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_wrapper ============= name: mod_wrapper type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: October 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_category ============= name: mod_articles_category type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_categories ============= name: mod_articles_categories type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_languages ============= name: mod_languages type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_finder ============= name: mod_finder type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_latest ============= name: mod_latest type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_logged ============= name: mod_logged type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_popular ============= name: mod_popular type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_quickicon ============= name: mod_quickicon type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_status ============= name: mod_status type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_submenu ============= name: mod_submenu type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_title ============= name: mod_title type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_toolbar ============= name: mod_toolbar type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_multilangstatus ============= name: mod_multilangstatus type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_version ============= name: mod_version type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2012 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_stats_admin ============= name: mod_stats_admin type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_tags_popular ============= name: mod_tags_popular type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: January 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_tags_similar ============= name: mod_tags_similar type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: January 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_sampledata ============= name: mod_sampledata type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.0 creationDate: July 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_latestactions ============= name: mod_latestactions type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_privacy_dashboard ============= name: mod_privacy_dashboard type: module state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_gmail ============= name: plg_authentication_gmail type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_joomla ============= name: plg_authentication_joomla type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_ldap ============= name: plg_authentication_ldap type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_contact ============= name: plg_content_contact type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.2 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_emailcloak ============= name: plg_content_emailcloak type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_loadmodule ============= name: plg_content_loadmodule type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_pagebreak ============= name: plg_content_pagebreak type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_pagenavigation ============= name: plg_content_pagenavigation type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_vote ============= name: plg_content_vote type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors_codemirror ============= name: plg_editors_codemirror type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Marijn Haverbeke version: 5.40.0 creationDate: 28 March 2011 authorUrl: http://codemirror.net/ ============= plg_editors_none ============= name: plg_editors_none type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors_tinymce ============= name: plg_editors_tinymce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Tiny Technologies, Inc version: 4.5.11 creationDate: 2005-2019 authorUrl: https://www.tiny.cloud ============= plg_editors-xtd_article ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_article type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: October 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_image ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_image type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_readmore ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_readmore type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_categories ============= name: plg_search_categories type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_contacts ============= name: plg_search_contacts type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_content ============= name: plg_search_content type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_newsfeeds ============= name: plg_search_newsfeeds type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_languagefilter ============= name: plg_system_languagefilter type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_p3p ============= name: plg_system_p3p type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_cache ============= name: plg_system_cache type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_debug ============= name: plg_system_debug type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_log ============= name: plg_system_log type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_redirect ============= name: plg_system_redirect type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_remember ============= name: plg_system_remember type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_sef ============= name: plg_system_sef type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_logout ============= name: plg_system_logout type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_contactcreator ============= name: plg_user_contactcreator type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_joomla ============= name: plg_user_joomla type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_profile ============= name: plg_user_profile type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2008 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_extension_joomla ============= name: plg_extension_joomla type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_joomla ============= name: plg_content_joomla type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_languagecode ============= name: plg_system_languagecode type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate ============= name: plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_extensionupdate ============= name: plg_quickicon_extensionupdate type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_captcha_recaptcha ============= name: plg_captcha_recaptcha type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.4.0 creationDate: December 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_highlight ============= name: plg_system_highlight type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_finder ============= name: plg_content_finder type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_categories ============= name: plg_finder_categories type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_contacts ============= name: plg_finder_contacts type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_content ============= name: plg_finder_content type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_newsfeeds ============= name: plg_finder_newsfeeds type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_tags ============= name: plg_finder_tags type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_twofactorauth_totp ============= name: plg_twofactorauth_totp type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: August 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_cookie ============= name: plg_authentication_cookie type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_twofactorauth_yubikey ============= name: plg_twofactorauth_yubikey type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: September 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_tags ============= name: plg_search_tags type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2014 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_updatenotification ============= name: plg_system_updatenotification type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: May 2015 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_module ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_module type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: October 2015 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_stats ============= name: plg_system_stats type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: November 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_installer_packageinstaller ============= name: plg_installer_packageinstaller type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_INSTALLER_FOLDERINSTALLER ============= name: PLG_INSTALLER_FOLDERINSTALLER type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_INSTALLER_URLINSTALLER ============= name: PLG_INSTALLER_URLINSTALLER type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck ============= name: plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_menu ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_menu type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_contact ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_contact type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: October 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_fields ============= name: plg_system_fields type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_calendar ============= name: plg_fields_calendar type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_checkboxes ============= name: plg_fields_checkboxes type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_color ============= name: plg_fields_color type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_editor ============= name: plg_fields_editor type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_imagelist ============= name: plg_fields_imagelist type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_integer ============= name: plg_fields_integer type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_list ============= name: plg_fields_list type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_media ============= name: plg_fields_media type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_radio ============= name: plg_fields_radio type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_sql ============= name: plg_fields_sql type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_text ============= name: plg_fields_text type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_textarea ============= name: plg_fields_textarea type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_url ============= name: plg_fields_url type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_user ============= name: plg_fields_user type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_usergrouplist ============= name: plg_fields_usergrouplist type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_fields ============= name: plg_content_fields type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: February 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_fields ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_fields type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: February 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_sampledata_blog ============= name: plg_sampledata_blog type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.0 creationDate: July 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_sessiongc ============= name: plg_system_sessiongc type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.6 creationDate: February 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_repeatable ============= name: plg_fields_repeatable type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: April 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_confirmconsent ============= name: plg_content_confirmconsent type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA ============= name: PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_privacyconsent ============= name: plg_system_privacyconsent type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: April 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_logrotation ============= name: plg_system_logrotation type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_user ============= name: plg_privacy_user type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_privacycheck ============= name: plg_quickicon_privacycheck type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_terms ============= name: plg_user_terms type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_contact ============= name: plg_privacy_contact type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_content ============= name: plg_privacy_content type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_message ============= name: plg_privacy_message type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_actionlogs ============= name: plg_privacy_actionlogs type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible ============= name: plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8 creationDate: November 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_consents ============= name: plg_privacy_consents type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= beez3 ============= name: beez3 type: template state: Aktiviert author: Angie Radtke version: 3.1.0 creationDate: 25 November 2009 authorUrl: http://www.der-auftritt.de ============= hathor ============= name: hathor type: template state: Aktiviert author: Andrea Tarr version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2010 authorUrl: ============= protostar ============= name: protostar type: template state: Aktiviert author: Kyle Ledbetter version: 1.0 creationDate: 4/30/2012 authorUrl: ============= isis ============= name: isis type: template state: Aktiviert author: Kyle Ledbetter version: 1.0 creationDate: 3/30/2012 authorUrl: ============= English (en-GB) ============= name: English (en-GB) type: language state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.14 creationDate: December 2019 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= files_joomla ============= name: files_joomla type: file state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.14 creationDate: December 2019 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= English (en-GB) Language Pack ============= name: English (en-GB) Language Pack type: package state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: creationDate: December 2019 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= GermanDE ============= name: GermanDE type: language state: Aktiviert author: J!German version: creationDate: 17.12.2019 authorUrl: https://www.jgerman.de ============= German (Germany) Language Pack ============= name: German (Germany) Language Pack type: package state: Aktiviert author: J!German version: creationDate: 17.12.2019 authorUrl: https://www.jgerman.de ============= CookieHint ============= name: CookieHint type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: reDim GmbH version: 1.3.11 creationDate: 27.07.2015 authorUrl: http://www.redim.de ============= com_easybookreloaded ============= name: com_easybookreloaded type: component state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.3.3 creationDate: 2019-06-25 authorUrl: https://kubik-rubik.de/ ============= MOD_EBRLATESTENTRIES ============= name: MOD_EBRLATESTENTRIES type: module state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.2.1 creationDate: 2016-08-30 authorUrl: https://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/ ============= COM_EASYJOOMLABACKUP ============= name: COM_EASYJOOMLABACKUP type: component state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.3.0-FREE creationDate: 2020-01-03 authorUrl: https://kubik-rubik.de/ ============= PLG_SYSTEM_EASYJOOMLABACKUPCRONJOB ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_EASYJOOMLABACKUPCRONJOB type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.3.0-FREE creationDate: 2020-01-03 authorUrl: ============= MOD_VISITORCOUNTER ============= name: MOD_VISITORCOUNTER type: module state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.3.1 creationDate: 2019-08-13 authorUrl: https://kubik-rubik.de/ ============= MOD_2CLICKSOCIALBUTTONS ============= name: MOD_2CLICKSOCIALBUTTONS type: module state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.1.0 creationDate: 2015-07-30 authorUrl: https://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/ ============= plg_installer_webinstaller ============= name: plg_installer_webinstaller type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Joomla! Project version: 2.0.1 creationDate: 28 April 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= MOD_DWD_WETTERMODUL ============= name: MOD_DWD_WETTERMODUL type: module state: Aktiviert author: Thomas Hunziker version: 5.1.3 creationDate: 2019-02-04 authorUrl: http://www.bakual.net ============= mod_currentdatetime ============= name: mod_currentdatetime type: module state: Aktiviert author: Mohammad Hasani Eghtedar version: 1.7 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: www.mhehm.ir ============= COM_JCE ============= name: COM_JCE type: component state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_editors_jce ============= name: plg_editors_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_content_jce ============= name: plg_content_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_extension_jce ============= name: plg_extension_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_fields_mediajce ============= name: plg_fields_mediajce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: https://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_installer_jce ============= name: plg_installer_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_quickicon_jce ============= name: plg_quickicon_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_system_jce ============= name: plg_system_jce type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= PKG_JCE ============= name: PKG_JCE type: package state: Aktiviert author: Ryan Demmer version: 2.8.3 creationDate: 15-01-2020 authorUrl: ============= PLG_EMBED_GOOGLE_MAP ============= name: PLG_EMBED_GOOGLE_MAP type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Petteri Kivimäki version: 2.3.0 creationDate: 30 December 2019 authorUrl: ============= POWr Button ============= name: POWr Button type: package state: Deaktiviert author: POWr.io version: 4.0 creationDate: Jul 2017 authorUrl: https://www.powr.io ============= PLG_SYSTEM_HEADERTAGS ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_HEADERTAGS type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Conflate - Joomla Specialist version: 3.2.1 creationDate: February 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomla-specialist.net ============= com_phocaguestbook ============= name: com_phocaguestbook type: component state: Deaktiviert author: Jan Pavelka (www.phoca.cz) version: 3.0.11 creationDate: 25/04/2019 authorUrl: https://www.phoca.cz ============= com_djimageslider ============= name: com_djimageslider type: component state: Aktiviert author: DJ-Extensions.com version: 4.1.1 creationDate: 2020-01-19 authorUrl: http://dj-extensions.com ============= DJ-ImageSlider ============= name: DJ-ImageSlider type: module state: Aktiviert author: DJ-Extensions.com version: 4.1.1 creationDate: 2020-01-19 authorUrl: http://dj-extensions.com ============= DJ-ImageSlider Package ============= name: DJ-ImageSlider Package type: package state: Aktiviert author: DJ-Extensions.com version: 4.1.1 creationDate: 2020-01-19 authorUrl: http://dj-extensions.com ============= Language pack for DJ-ImageSlider ============= name: Language pack for DJ-ImageSlider type: file state: Aktiviert author: DJ-Extensions.com version: 3.2.1 creationDate: 03.July.2017 authorUrl: http://dj-extensions.com ============= com_phocafavicon ============= name: com_phocafavicon type: component state: Aktiviert author: Jan Pavelka (www.phoca.cz) version: 3.0.3 creationDate: 22/02/2019 authorUrl: https://www.phoca.cz ============= AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content plugins ============= name: AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content plugins type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Acyba version: 3.7.0 creationDate: November 2009 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Manage text ============= name: AcyMailing Manage text type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 1.0.0 creationDate: October 2010 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : Website links ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : Website links type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 3.7.0 creationDate: September 2009 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing : share on social networks ============= name: AcyMailing : share on social networks type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 1.0.0 creationDate: August 2010 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing : Statistics Plugin ============= name: AcyMailing : Statistics Plugin type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 3.7.0 creationDate: September 2009 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing table of contents generator ============= name: AcyMailing table of contents generator type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 1.0.0 creationDate: January 2011 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : content insertion ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : content insertion type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 3.7.0 creationDate: September 2009 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber information ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber information type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : Manage the Subscription ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : Manage the Subscription type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : Date / Time ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : Date / Time type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Tag : Joomla User Information ============= name: AcyMailing Tag : Joomla User Information type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Template Class Replacer ============= name: AcyMailing Template Class Replacer type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Editor ============= name: AcyMailing Editor type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing JCE integration ============= name: AcyMailing JCE integration type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during Joomla registration ============= name: AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during Joomla registration type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Acyba version: 5.10.12 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: ============= AcyMailing Module ============= name: AcyMailing Module type: module state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 3.7.0 creationDate: September 2009 authorUrl: ============= PLG_ECC ============= name: PLG_ECC type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Viktor Vogel version: 3.1.6 creationDate: 2019-06-29 authorUrl: ============= file_fof30 ============= name: file_fof30 type: file state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: 3.4.7 creationDate: 2019-10-18 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= Akeeba ============= name: Akeeba type: component state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: http://www.akeebabackup.com ============= plg_quickicon_akeebabackup ============= name: plg_quickicon_akeebabackup type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: http://www.akeebabackup.com ============= PLG_SYSTEM_AKEEBAUPDATECHECK ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_AKEEBAUPDATECHECK type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: http://www.akeebabackup.com ============= PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: http://www.akeebabackup.com ============= PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP ============= name: PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP type: plugin state: Deaktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: http://www.akeebabackup.com ============= Akeeba Backup package ============= name: Akeeba Backup package type: package state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 6.6.1 creationDate: 2019-10-21 authorUrl: ============= file_fef ============= name: file_fef type: file state: Aktiviert author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 1.0.8 creationDate: 2019-07-18 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= backup - German ============= name: backup - German type: file state: Aktiviert author: Akeeba Ltd version: 20180901.012403 creationDate: 01 Sep 2018 authorUrl: ============= COM_FOXCONTACT ============= name: COM_FOXCONTACT type: component state: Aktiviert author: Demis Palma version: 3.9.8 creationDate: Mar 2019 authorUrl: http://www.fox.ra.it/ ============= Fox Contact ============= name: Fox Contact type: library state: Aktiviert author: Demis Palma version: 3.9.8 creationDate: Mar 2019 authorUrl: http://www.fox.ra.it/ ============= MOD_FOXCONTACT ============= name: MOD_FOXCONTACT type: module state: Aktiviert author: Demis Palma version: 3.9.8 creationDate: Mar 2019 authorUrl: http://www.fox.ra.it/ ============= plg_content_foxcontact ============= name: plg_content_foxcontact type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Demis Palma version: 3.9.8 creationDate: Mar 2019 authorUrl: http://www.fox.ra.it/ ============= Acym ============= name: Acym type: component state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 6.7.5 creationDate: January 2020 authorUrl: https://www.acyba.com ============= AcyMailing subscription form ============= name: AcyMailing subscription form type: module state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 6.7.5 creationDate: August 2018 authorUrl: https://www.acyba.com ============= AcyMailing - Joomla integration ============= name: AcyMailing - Joomla integration type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 6.7.5 creationDate: April 2019 authorUrl: https://www.acyba.com ============= AcyMailing - JCE integration ============= name: AcyMailing - JCE integration type: plugin state: Aktiviert author: Acyba version: 6.7.5 creationDate: December 2018 authorUrl: https://www.acyba.com ============= com_sitemapgenerator ============= name: com_sitemapgenerator type: component state: Aktiviert author: Marco Beierer version: 1.4.0 creationDate: October 2019 authorUrl: https://www.marcobeierer.com ============= Sitemap Generator ============= name: Sitemap Generator type: package state: Aktiviert author: Marco Beierer version: 1.4.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: https://www.marcobeierer.com