.htaccess file

  • Joomla Version
    PHP Version
    PHP 8.0.x
    - lokal -

    Hallo allerseits,

    habe noch das update noch nicht eingespielt...

    In meiner aktuellen .htaccess gibt es diese Zeile nicht. Was tun?

    Before 4.2.9 the default htaccess.txt file contained erroneous code for appending the "Content-Encoding" HTTP header. This could result in double encoding errors when Joomla is installed in a subdirectory and both this directory and its parent directory contain an .htaccess file with this code. You should manually apply the necessary changes to any existing .htaccess file, as this file can not be updated automatically.

    The old code:

    Header append Content-Encoding gzip

    The new code:


    Header set Content-Encoding gzip

    Viele Grüße

  • Füge mal den kompletten Teil in deine htaccess Datei unten ein: